  • 期刊


The Strict Teacher Has the Outstanding Disciple-The Effect of Paternalistic Leadership of Authoritarianism Leadership on Team Effectiveness in Cheerleading




Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of paternalistic leadership on team effectiveness in the college open group and the social open group. Methods: The researcher selected five players and two coaches, and conducted semi-structured in-depth interviews with the players and coaches according to the theory of paternalistic leadership and the authoritarian leadership model. Results: First, the cheerleading coaches preferred to use Shang-yan leadership, Shang-yan leadership has a positive impact on team performance. Second, the right amount of Juan-chiuan leadership can improve team performance, but too much Juan-chiuan leadership will be counterproductive. Third, benevolent leadership and moral leadership can reduce the negative impact of Juan-chiuan leadership. Conclusions: Coaches need to establish a consensus with the players, in the same consensus to work together for the team, and the use of benevolent leadership, moral leadership and right amount of authoritarian leadership, in order to lead the team effectively.


