  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess



在目前人口高度密集的都會地區,LTE微型基地台(Small Cell)在電信網路中扮演著舉足輕重的角色。LTE微型基地台的佈署用以提高無線電波覆蓋率、容量和服務,以改善行動網路寬頻壅塞與室內訊號不良等問題。因此本研究基於TR-069標準通訊協定,提出一個服務品質監測機制。將龐大的效能管理數據(Performance Management, PM)與組態管理數據(Configuration Management, CM)透過3GPP規範之LTE KPI標準,轉換為各項KPI指標,定期累積統計並提供各站LTE微型基地台的運轉報表。另外,本研究結合Elasticsearch分散式存取平台,提出資料傳輸優化機制,用以負荷兩千台LTE微型基地台之KPI指標資料傳輸與運算。最後,電信維運人員依據各項KPI統計報表,即時掌握LTE微型基地台在不同區域、時間與時間單位的運作狀況,藉此提高LTE微型基地台可用率(Availability)。根據實驗資料顯示,在資料傳輸優化機制的提升,約30秒可處理兩千份LTE微型基地台的管理數據,平均一台約0.015秒。


LTE Small Cells play an important role in the telecommunications network. Small Cells enhance the radio coverage, capacity and service. It also improve the broadband congestion and indoor signal problems. In this thesis, we propose a quality of service monitoring mechanism which based on TR-069 protocol. The performance management data (PM) and configuration management data (CM) of Small Cells are converted to the LTE key performance indicators (KPI) by 3GPP specification. And it also calculate the KPI and present the statistics report. In addition, this thesis also propose the transmission optimization mechanism which combined with Elasticsearch distributed platform. To load 2,000 Small Cells KPI transmission and operation. According to the experimental results, to process 2,000 Small Cells KPI need approximately 30 seconds. A Small Cell need approximately 0.015 seconds. Maintenance personnel can grasp the Small Cell status in different regions, date and time units immediately by KPI statistics report.
