  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess



專注力是提升做事效率的第一步。然而,隨著世代變遷、眾多科技產品充斥於生活之中的情形下,多數大人都難以達到持續專注,遑論正處於學習階段、對任何事物皆充滿好奇的孩童。據統計台灣孩童被診斷出患有注意力缺陷症(Attention Deficit Disorder,ADD)之比率具逐年攀升的跡象。有鑑於此,本研究以輔助孩童提升專注力為目標,發展一套數位學習系統,讓學習者可透過趣味性故事動畫及單、雙人對戰遊戲設計,增進學習者在愉悅心情下進行訓練。其中,為準確測量專注數值的高低,搭配美國神念科技所研發之行動腦波耳機作為穿戴應用;在學習架構上,則採用自我調整學習和學習風格此兩大教育理論作為基底,規劃一套完整流程,讓學習者藉著自身力量與個人化訓練模式學習逐步自我提升專注力。另外,本系統為讓家長或治療師了解學習者之訓練狀況,設計一線上平台提供瀏覽訓練過程,為學習者打造完善的學習環境。


Concentration is an important skill for increasing efficiency. However, we can find out the proportion of children in Taiwan who have been diagnosed Attention Deficit Disorder increased year after year. In view of this, the purpose of this study is aimed to develop a digital learning system based on Self-regulated learning and Learning styles theories which not only helps children increase their concentration but leads them get self-improvement on their own progressively through playing interesting games with new mobile brainwave headset device. On the other hand, to help parents and therapists learn more about learners' training situations, we also published an online platform which can create visual charts with all training data. With the functions this system provided, we hope it bring all the learners a better way to improve the Attention Deficit Disorder problem.
