  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess



本文提出一個新的支援多租戶雲端數據中心網路虛擬化的策略。主要的特點包含:1.利用以太網路位址(Ethernet Mac Address)當作虛擬機的識別碼(global VM ID, gVid),此識別碼包含使用者(租戶)的識別碼(Tenant User ID, uid)與此使用者(租戶)下每一台虛擬機的識別碼(local VM ID, vid);2. 網路路由以資料連結層(data link layer, Layer 2)為主;3. 階層式網路封包路由。我們將網路終端節點(虛擬機及各種系統網路接取設備)邏輯上分成不同的群組。網路封包在群組內的傳遞(forwarding)以傳統以太網路封包的路由方式進行,也就是根據以太網路封包的目的位址做路由;網路封包在不同群組間的路由則根據網路封包中的目的群組位址(location tag)做路由,路由方法為簡單的hierarchical source routing。為驗證系統設計的可行性,我們以多台PC建構一個小型的雛形系統,其中包含利用PC及SDN軟體來實做的各種特殊功能的交換器。並使用此雛形系統驗證與量測不同網路運作的效能,包含系統內部的網路封包轉送,不同IP子網路網路閘道的網路封包轉送效率,以及外部網路封包傳送效能等。從實驗中我們驗證了設計的可行性,同時我們也驗證這此架構下網路封包轉送的效能相較於理想狀況下(例如兩台主機直接對接)只有些微的效能差異。


In this research study we design and develop a new network virtualization scheme to support multitenant datacenter networking. Cloud computing have been an essential facility service, in our daily life. More and more internet cloud computing services have been deployed in datacenters which provide enormous and flexible computing power and data storage space. To reduce total cost of ownership, enterprises are thinking of having their entire or part of IT networking facilities to be deployed in the cloud. A good example of such a virtual networking service is Amazon's AWS VPC (virtual private cloud), which provides multiple users (tenants) to have their own virtual networks on the top of a set of sharing network devices. Effectively support multitenancy is an essential and challenging task for datacenter networking design. In this research project we propose a new network virtualization scheme for multitenancy support. Traditionally an internet host uses IP address for both identification and location information, which causes mobile IP problem once the internet host moves from one IP subnet to another IP subnet. Unfortunately, VM mobility is inevitable in datacenter networks. To solve the problem, we decouple VM id and location information with two independent values neither by IP address. We redefine the semantics of Ethernet mac address to embed tenant ID to the mac address without violating its original functionality. Also, we separate traditional L2/L3 two-stage routing scheme (MAC/IP) into a MAC/Loc/IP three-stage routing scheme. SDN (OpenFlow) is used to handle all these complicate network traffics.
