  • 期刊


A Project to Reduce Back Discomfort in Post-percutaneous Coronary Intervention Patients




To prevent complications after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) via femoral access, such as bleeding from the puncture site, patients are restricted to bedrest and limited activity for a period. This leads to muscle soreness, elevated heart rate and blood pressure, and increased myocardial workload. This project aimed to reduce back discomfort after PCI. Major causes of back pain we identified included long bedrest time, no suitable positioning tools, no guidelines for improving back discomfort during the bedridden period, and lack of relevant education and training for nursing staff. Therefore, the following solutions were proposed: revising the postoperative nursing process to shorten bedrest duration, designing supportive pillows, setting guidelines for activities during the bedridden period with physical therapists, and holding continuing education sessions. After implementing these interventions, the main score of back discomfort in patients receiving PCI through femoral access decreased from 6.96 to 2.66 (0-10 points). The incidence of back discomfort decreased from 90.90% to 58.60%. The results show that the interventions improved back discomfort effectively and provided more comfortable postoperative care.
