  • 期刊


Comments on the Provisions for Garnering Wages in the Amended Compulsory Enforcement Act




While the Compulsory Enforcement Act protects the livelihood and dignity of debtors, it is also intended to take due account of the rights of creditors, and thus grants the execution court considerable freedom to consider all aspects of each case and to determine the amount of wages to be garnered. However, some are concerned that the actual implementation of this recently passed act may result in an equality of claims. Moreover, adopting a passive approach for dealing with both old and new cases would be legally unsuitable and could infringe upon the rights of the concerned parties. Furthermore, entitlement foreclosure doesn't always clearly determine the causes of the debt and the debtor's situation, and this is likely to lead to difficulties for the execution court. Also, the traditional approach is to simultaneously implement attachments and assignment orders, but this conflicts with the new act's emphasis on attachments which balance the rights of both parties; in fact, the two need to be considered together.


立法院第 9 屆第 5 會期第 14 次會議議案關係文書,頁 25,詳立法院議事日程暨議事錄檢索系統,〈https://lis.ly.gov.tw/lgcgi/ttsweb?@@51F5935602218349C586〉,最後瀏覽日:2018 年 9 月 17 日。
〈司法週刊〉,2018 年 8 月,1913 期,頁 1。
張良華,〈對於債務人之金錢債權執行問題之探討〉,《司法週刊》,2016 年 8 月,1811 期,頁 2。
最高法院 76 年度臺抗字第 392 號裁定。
最高法院 23 年抗字第 2597 號
