  • 期刊

從危害概念論警察法中的資訊式職權(informationelle Befugnisse)-以監視錄影為例探討之

Discussion the Informational Authority of Police Act Through the Concepts of Danger - the Case of Closed-circuit Television




Based on the principle of "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" For criminal acts, this research prefers to focus on the method of prevention rather than prosecution. This is emerging topics of Authority of Police Act which causes to adjust police' tasks and authority. This research proposes informational authority to separate from tradition-action authority; besides, classifying crime prevention and reviewing Police Power Exercise Act. In order to comprehend the variation in the concept of hazard and how to applies to crime prevention. Taking closed-circuit television (CCTV) for example, from enforcement basic, formal and substantial elements to comment article 9, paragraph 1 and article 10, paragraph 1 of Police Power Exercise Act. Opinion on the former article, CCTV of assembly and parade should be regulated in Assembly and Parade Act as well as CCTV of public activities should incorporates in article 10. As to the latter article, point out that should be discussed through viewing the identify hazards of informational authority and put forward some suggestions to amending the Law.


BVerfGE 65, 1/44 f.
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司法院釋字第 603 號解釋
