  • 期刊


The balance of interests on abuse of rights




This article is inspired by a Supreme Court's civil case. The case is about claiming the properties occupied by adjacent buildings, which seems to be normal. However, in this case, the properties claimed are composed of several pieces of deformed lands. Those lands have only small land areas and twisted shapes that are impossible for building or any kind of use. Also, the value is very cheap since the lands are deformed. As a result, the defendant proposed that the plaintiff's claim is an abuse of right, which shouldn't be granted according to section 148 of the Civil Code. As the courts held different opinions about which element should be considered in judging the balance of interests on abuse of rights since the second instance, this case was appealed and remanded several times by the Supreme Court. Observing the different opinions of the courts, we found that the method to specify the doctrine of abuse of right is worth exploring, especially the balance of interests since this case is related to public interests. According to the precedence of the Supreme Court, reviewing the balance between private interests and public interests is a method to judge the cases involved in the abuse of rights. In this case, the claim of the plaintiff not only involve in the existence of the defendants' houses but also the public interests of keeping high-value buildings instead of tearing them down to useless scattered lands. Therefore, this article starts with the comparative law of German and Japan, which had been developing the doctrine for over a century. Then, observe the operation of reviewing the balance between public and private interests in Taiwan's courts. Throughout those researches, we try to figure out the elements considered by the courts when it comes to the balance of interests in the cases related to public interests.


黃源盛,〈大理院關於誠信原則的法理運用〉,《法制史研究》, 2010年5 月,16 期,頁303-304。
林誠二,〈再論誠實信用原則與權利濫用禁止原則之機能─最高法院88 年度台上字第2819 號判決評釋〉,《台灣本土法學雜誌》, 2001年5 月,22 期,頁48-49。
