  • 期刊


Changes and Reflections on the Prison Reform of the Four Countries in the Andean Region of Latin America


在世界所有先進國家,監獄之刑事政策均係以矯治及再社會化達成更生為目標,並儘量減少武力之使用來管理監獄,希冀以人道處遇,強調基本人權,穩定囚情為管理目標;但拉丁美洲安地斯山脈地區的四國(本文以哥倫比亞、厄瓜多、秘魯及委內瑞拉四個國家為例),以觀察其監獄次文化及其改革變遷之經驗,研究發現這些國家,未審先押的預防性監禁(prisoners without sentence)是造成監獄超收、擁擠、腐敗、資源分布不均,以及拖垮獄政改革之主因,也凸顯渠等國家刑事司法制度之無能。而我國獄政發展,目前事實上處於一個轉型的過渡階段,未來仍有與北歐等先進國家在監禁刑事政策上達到「刑期無刑」理想目標之可能,並透過將來公民法治知識水平之提升,全民應共同反思現有獄政制度革新之參考方向,使其邁向新的里程碑。


In all advanced countries in the world, the criminal policy of prisons is aimed at correcting and re-socializing to achieve rehabilitation, and to minimize the use of force to manage prisons. The management model is also based on humane treatment, emphasizing basic human rights, and stabilizing the prisoner's situation. But in the four countries of the Andean Region (this article takes Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela as examples to observe their prison subculture and their experience in reforms), the study found that in these countries," prisoners without sentence" caused prison overcharge/crowding/ corruption/uneven distribution of resources and the main cause of the downfall of prison reforms also highlight the incompetence of the criminal justice systems in these countries. In fact, the development of my country's prison administration is currently in a transitional stage of transformation. We hope that in the future, it will still be possible to achieve the ideal goal of "no penalty" in terms of the criminal policy of imprisonment in advanced countries such as Scandinavia. We also look forward to the day when citizens' knowledge of the rule of law is improved, and the whole people should collectively reflect on the direction of the reform of the existing prison administration system and make it move towards a new milestone.


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