  • 期刊


The Legal System and Application of Police Administrative Investigation and Adjudication




The current methods and procedures for administrative investigations carried out by administrative agencies do not have a complete set of special administrative investigation regulations. They are still listed in accordance with the provisions of Articles 39 to 42 of the Administrative Procedure Law. It may request to provide documents, materials or articles, send for identification and conduct investigations and other investigative methods. In view of the rapid development of today's technology and the need to achieve the purpose of investigation, if only the investigation methods prescribed in the previous regulations are followed, it seems that the police cannot effectively make the purpose of the discovery truth. Therefore, the evidence and methods of administrative investigation occupies an extremely important position for police agencies to conduct administrative investigations. Therefore, it is necessary to explore in depth. This article hopes to use the theoretical basis of administrative investigation to explore the relationship between the legal system and the application of police administrative investigation and adjudication, and analyze it. Review the current norms' deficiencies and give suggestions on the overall norms, and serve as the basis for the revision of the legal source of the administrative investigation procedures in the future, or formulate a complete administrative investigation law for the police to conduct administrative investigations and to follow.


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