  • 期刊


Theory and Application Analysis of the Search Incident to Lawful Arrest "Extension of Immediate Control"-A Comparative Law Study




The search system of the Code of Criminal Procedure adopts the principle of writs. In addition, for practical operation needs, an exception is admitted to search without writs. Search incident to lawful arrest is an example of search without writs. It is generally believed that as long as there is a lawful arrest, the incidental search must be carried out within the immediate control of the defendant. However, there are different views on whether the incidental search must still be carried out in the legally moving place of the defendant's body after arrest. This article is based on observations of the legal systems of the United States and Japan, to further examine the interpretation direction and application basis of my country's current legal norms from this topic.


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臺灣新北地方法院 108 年度簡上字第 805 號刑事判決。
黃翰義,〈論附帶搜索在我國刑事訴訟法上之檢討〉,《月旦法學雜誌》,2005 年 5 月,第 120 期,頁 129-131、141-144
林信旭,〈準現行犯逮捕後之附帶搜索(上)〉,《司法周刊》,2010 年 2 月,第 1480 期,版 3。
王兆鵬、李榮耕、張明偉,《刑事訴訟法(上)》,新學林出版股份有限公司,2020 年 3 月,頁 258-261、264、266-267、269
