  • 期刊


The Link Between the Prisoners' Labor System and Their Re-Socialization in Taiwan




The purpose of this article is to discuss the situation and opinion of Taiwan's prisoners on work or vocational training in prisons, the issue of labor compensation in prison, whether the work or vocational training in correctional facilities is helpful to the prisoners' employment after they are released from correctional facilities, and the situation of rehabilitation after being released from correctional facilities. This article was conducted using semi-structured interviews with a total of 13 ex-offenders on their experiences related to their participation in work or vocational training in prisons. The results of the interviews found that the work system in prisons and the work project arrangement is essentially considered to be a method of managing prisoners and it is easy to execute. In Taiwan, participation in the work system in prisons is considered to be the obligation of prisoners, and the work projects are useless for their career after released from correctional facilities in the future, it's just killing time in prisons. The labor compensation in prisons is for less income, it's difficult to pay their necessary expenses in prisons, and the resources about employment provided by the correctional facilities are not effective in their career after released. Based on the results of the interview, this article makes following reform proposals: (1) establish the goal of re-socialization for the work system in prisons; (2) reform the work projects and types in prisons to increase the labor compensation; (3) increase the opportunity to participate in vocational training courses and to improve the professionalism of teachers and the practicality of the courses; (4) establish and extend the connection of the rehabilitation system in advance by means of case management.


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