  • 期刊


The Price Determination in Private Placement of China Listed Companies




The pricing issue in the private placement process is a trade-off between the effectiveness of the private placement system and the protection of shareholders' rights, to ensure that the advantages of price flexibility and procedural simplicity will not be abused and become profit-making tools for major shareholders, and to improve the disclosure of information and internal control mechanisms for shareholders in the private placement resolution process. Among them, the pricing mechanism of the base date of the private placement has resulted in an excessive expansion of the discount of the private placement, which has lost the linkage with the market price and allowed the board of directors to manipulate the price of the private placement. The current private placement process for listed companies in China lacks effective internal supervision and relies excessively on the intervention of the securities regulatory authorities, which undermines the function of private placement in raising capital quickly and also leads to polarization of supervision, with the regulation constantly repeating from strict to lax. This issue is related to the private placement regulation and the implementation of corporate governance in the company's capital raising system and is drawn as a reference for the future development of our private placement regulation.


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