  • 期刊


A model of analysis on employment history of Taiwan distance continuing education by using data warehousing technique


我國近年來高等教育普及化,包括大學部及研究所擴張迅速,使得高等教育逐漸普及,大專學歷不再是青年學子就業的保障,缺乏就業力的大學生很難在職場順利發展[1]。反觀空中進修教育因學習時間較彈性,可依個人職場規劃進行課程選讀,過去已培育出很多符合企業所需之優秀人才。本論文以1111人力銀行的會員履歷資料作為資料來源[2],使用資料倉儲技術建置台灣空中進修教育就業履歷分析模型,篩選出四所空中進修學校的資料,透過Microsoft Excel進行資料維度精簡整理,接著使用樞紐分析工具,建構出空中進修教育畢業生就業履歷的分析與統計成果。藉由分析結果,提出因應策略與建議給政府政策方向、空中大學進修教育工作者及畢業生做為未來提升就業力的參考依據。


進修教育 資料倉儲 就業力


In recent years, higher education in Taiwan has been popularized, including the undergraduate degree and graduate school that are expanding rapidly. The expansions of higher education leads to the college degree are no longer a guarantee of employment. Students without employability skills will find it difficult to survive in workplace [1]. In contrast, distance educations are increasingly popular due to the flexibility of study time and the flexibility on courses choosing which is based on student's career planning. Distance education has successfully nurtured talented professionals that are needed in workplace. The source of data in this study is from 1111 Job Bank members resume [2], using data warehousing technique to construct a model to analyze distance continuing education on employment history in Taiwan, and filter data from 4 institutions that provide distance continuing education, then using Microsoft Excel to undergo dimension reduction on the data. By using Pivot table analysis, we construct an analysis on employment history of graduates from Taiwan distance continuing education and statistical results. Based on the results, we develop some corresponding strategies and suggestions to government, distance continuing education workers, and graduates as a reference for future career developments.
