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An Explanatiog of the Pronunciation and Meaning of the Character Chien 見 in the Ching-tien shih-wen


The character chien 見 is given to pronunciations in the Ching-tien shin-wen: A: chien is read as the character stands. B: chien is read in the same way as hsien 現. The final In A and B is that of霰 while A has initial. of 見 which B has that of 匣 This difference between the two readings manifests itself not only in meaning but also in syntactic order. It can be iIIustrated by the following four types of sentence patterns: F1 X 見 Y (e.g., "君子不見大饗呼") X see Y. In this pattern, chien has the A reading. F2見°(e.g., "文采形質著見。") Y is to appear before someone who is not indicated. In this pattern, chien has the B reading. F3 Y見°於X (e.g., "吾見於夫子而問知。") Y is to appear before X. In this pattern, the particle yü follows chien. Chien has the B reading. F4見°Y (於X) (e.g., "[荷蓧丈人]見其二子焉[=於子路]") Z presents Y to X. X, the one who sees Y, need not figure in the sentence. Chien has the Breading. In conclusion, chien in F1 is a commonly used verb Chien in F2-F4 has the B reading. The fan-ch 'ieh 反切 spelling or chih-Yin 直音 of this B sound appears 624 times, amounting to 92.7% in Shin-wen. This shows that it is a very special feature and the reader's attention is deliberately called to it. Chien in F2 became a variant of 現 in later years. In F3, the question as to who the agent is settled with reference to social rank. Chien in F4 is the causative form of F3.


