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A Study on Yuan Empress Dowager Dagi's Attitude towards Han Chinese Culture




元朝 太后 漢文化 答己 王振鵬 趙孟頫


The relationship between Mongolian and Han Chinese culture in the Yuan dynasty has been studied by many scholars. However, few have examined the cultural proclivities of the Mongolian royal women at the Yuan court. Dagi (?-1322), mother of the Yuan emperor Wuzong (r. 1307-1311) and Renzong (r. 1311-1320), played an important role in mid-Yuan politics. In the past, scholars had considered that Dagi, embedded with strong nomadic consciousness, was a representative of the Mongolian conservative nobility and promoter of their interests. This evaluation needs deliberation. The present paper reexamines Dagi's attitude towards Han Chinese culture; the study shows that Dagi had a few accomplishments in Chinese culture, and she was definitely not an outsider. She was friendly to the Han literati, was fond of Chinese paintings, and showed some familiarity with Chinese ancient books. Dagi's political role in the mid-Yuan period needs further research, but it is certain we cannot partially generalize on the basis of Mongolian-Han Chinese ideological and cultural differences.

