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An Analysis of Enrollment Environment of ASEAN Students in Guangdong under the Background of Low Fertility Rate: An Empirical Study of Private Colleges and Universities




In the next 30 years, the number of people of higher education age will decrease. Private colleges and universities in Guangdong Province will face a serious shortage of students. Private higher education institutions are in a weak position and will be first impacted by the enrollment crisis. The development of overseas education market is an important measure for private higher education institutions to solve the enrollment crisis. The favorable environment such as the close economic and trade exchanges between Guangdong and Association of Southeast Asian Nation(ASEAN) provides opportunities for Guangdong private higher education institutions to develop the ASEAN overseas education market. Guangdong private educational institutions should take expanding the enrollment scale of ASEAN Students as a strategic measure to solve the student source crisis. Of course, it is expected that ASEAN will also enter a stage of low fertility and face a enrollment crisis. In the long run, improving fertility rate is the ultimate secret to solve the enrollment crisis.


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