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A Study of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Approach to Propagating Humanistic Buddhism from the Perspective of Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra's Concept of Non-Duality


《維摩經》雖然在第九品才直名「入不二法門品」,其實全經串穿了「不二」思想,各品的差異只是體用、權理之別。此經先言權事,到第九品再以理體總歸,而後再以事用說明不二。楊曾文教授曾說:「推進佛教適應時代和社會而發展進步。其中一個重要的環節是對『不二』作出有前提條件的解釋。」「二」是對立,若在弘法上面對「不二」首要解決的就是世間、出世間如何行道的問題。而當代推動人間佛教者星雲大師(以下簡稱大師),不但提出了「以無為有,以退為進,以空為樂,以眾為我」的不二思想,他更說「我們為什麼要追求不可知的未來,而不去落實現實國土的身心淨化呢?」這是站在淨穢不二,此方即為淨土的立場,正與《維摩經》淨穢二土「不二」的思想相契。 因此當我們在分別高低,分別究竟不究竟的爭議時,大師因圓融無相,無分別執取,所以去除了外在的對立分別,以性空不二思想開擴了八宗兼弘的道場,以及各派相互融和的人間淨土。佛光山從來沒有八敬法的問題與爭議,這是大師以其不二思想於此世間以其「心淨」而讓「國土淨」;也因其成就眾生讓「國土淨」的同時,此方國土人民而得「心淨」的實例。


《維摩經》 不二 星雲大師 平等


Although the Dharma Gate of Non-Duality is not mentioned until Chapter Nine in the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, the entire sutra in fact has a consistent demonstration of such thought. The only difference lies in each chapter's emphasis on essence and influence, or conventional and principle. The sutra begins with the conventional and provides an overall summary of their principles. In Chapter Nine, it then elaborates on the Dharma Gate of Non-Duality with the conventional examples. Professor Yang Zengwen once said", The key to enabling Buddhism to adapt to the advancing society is to offer a pre-conditioned explanation of non-duality." "Two"means duality, and the first problem confronted by propagators of the Dharma is to resolve the conflict between transcending the world and being within the world. Not only has Venerable Master Hsing Yun, a propagator of Humanistic Buddhism in the contemporary era, introduced the non-dualistic principle in his saying, "Treat emptiness as existence, regard regression as advancement, find joy in emptiness, and see the multitude as the self,"he even goes further to ask", Why are we always pursuing an unknown future while the more urgent task is to realize a pureland where the body and mind are purified?" This view of the non-dualistic relation between the pure and the impure so happens to correspond with the thoughts that pure and impure lands are non-dualistic in the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra. Despite many focuses on the better or worse, or whether a teaching is ultimate or non-ultimate, Venerable Master Hsing Yun's harmonious, formless, non-discriminative, and non-clinging thoughts have transcended such oppositions and differentiations. Under such principles, Fo Guang Shan is a Buddhist order which propagates all Eight Schools of Chinese Buddhism, where people aspire to build a Humanistic Pureland to live in harmony. When Minds are purified, the land which they live in is also purified.
