  • 期刊


Taiwanese Women and Travel: Media Representations, Practices, and Identities in the 1980s and 1990s




This study focuses on the changes in media discourses of gender and tourism in Taiwanese society in the 1980s and 1990s. The purpose of the study is to analyze the link between gendered power and tourism by exploring the representations of female travelers in mass media, tourist guidebooks, and the life experiences of female travelers. In the 1980s, female travelers in Taiwan were represented as passive tourists with fragile bodies. As a female space, travel was portrayed as risky and fraught with sexual temptation. However, the discourse has changed. For female travelers, the space of tourism has become a source of knowledge, enjoyment, and confidence. Women relate their own experiences of travel. The heteroglossia of Taiwanese women's travel discourses constitutes a terrain of identity construction in the medial discourses of gender and tourism.
