  • 期刊


The Discursive Construction of Party Identification of Chinese Party-Owned Media by Means of Social Media-Setting "xiake_island" as an Example




In order to explore how "xiake_island," one of the WeChat official accounts of People's Daily, discursively constructs people's party identification, critical text analysis is conducted to study its 14 articles published in the first half year of 2017, under the guidance of the theoretical framework of Fairclough's text-oriented discourse analysis. By comparing its discursive strategies and skills with the ones used by the traditional Chinese party-owned media, we find that there are several similarities between them: such as framing, wording, and the construction and evaluation of "out-group" and "in-group." "Xiake_island" also has some new and particular discursive strategies, such as comparative analysis in historical-current-future context, argumentation, recontextualization, discourse representation, lexical groupings, collocation and semiotic. All in all, in the social-media era, to conform to the will of the Party and to satisfy the actual needs of the CCP to govern China, Chinese party-owned media utilizes cleverer, subtler and more diverse discursive strategies to construct the party identification of the public from the standpoint of the Party.


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