  • 期刊


Impact of Media Use on Attitudes towards Varied Issues: An Empirical Study among Chinese College Students in UMAC




College students who have experienced their socialization under different political systems now live together in a diversified media environment. Will their attitude on different news issues be the same? In October 2015, this research team conducted a questionnaire survey on 1,229 randomly selected undergraduate students at the University of Macau. The analysis found that despite the open media environment and diversified information sources, the media use patterns of Macau and mainland students and their attitudes towards different issues are still significantly different. First, influenced by the pattern of media use and social background, this study revealed a laddering pattern of opinion divergence among young Chinese people that grew up in Macao SAR and Mainland China; in other words, there is no significant difference in attitudes between social issues; they shared similar opinions on social issues while differing in opinions on cultural issues, and were conflicted on political issues. Additionally, the pattern of media use and social background were found to be potentially key variables to predict for the opinions.


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