  • 期刊


Liquid Surveillance and Smartphone Affordance: Watching and Being Watched in Mobile Social Networks




可供性 臉書 隱私 監視 智慧型手機


The development of mobile and ubiquitous communication and devices implies a merging of the global spaces of flows and the local places of everyday life. While Facebook allows for the development and maintenance of social relationships, users accessing Facebook from smartphones are also able to spy on others easily and instantly. The traceability of human behaviors, trajectories, and personal data has become the central component of surveillance systems as the affordance of a smartphone not only gives users the freedom of spatial mobility but intertwines space with time in modern society. The goal of this study is, therefore, to investigate, using mobile experience sampling and semi-structured interviews, the perception of privacy and surveillance of Facebook users who access the site via their smartphones to observe the location, online/offline status, and usage of other users. Drawing upon the notion of liquid surveillance, this study also brings new perspectives to the perception and conceptual definition of the liquid world, where spaces are not fixed and time is not bound.


affordance Facebook privacy surveillance smartphone


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