  • 期刊


Patriarchy, Networked Misogyny, and Interpreting Feminism in China




Information and communication technology have both contributed to the spread of feminism in China and stimulated hate speech and misogyny. Based on qualitative analyses of the texts of all relevant questions and answers on the Chinese Q&A platform Zhihu, the findings of this study showed a binary interpretation and presentation of Chinese feminism and feminists in male-dominated online discussions, namely authentic feminism versus fake feminism. Authentic feminism is thought to focus on individual efforts, equality, and both men's and women's rights. As a type of fake feminism, Tianyuan feminism is thought to ask for rights without fulfilling gender responsibilities, as well as over-emphasizing material interests and pursuing women's privileges. Tianyuan feminists are pictured as unfeminine and subservient to foreigners, especially foreign males. Betrothal gifts, childbirth and care, and surnaming the next generation were the most frequent topics among the relevant questions and answers on Zhihu. There is a huge gap between people's, especially males' evaluations of gender equality and the real situation in China. The opposite gender is judged negatively, and Chinese patriarchy is confronted by both deconstruction and reconstruction. Further economic, social, and cultural reforms are necessary to provide both institutional support and make structural changes to promote gender equality.


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