  • 期刊


Homophily of User-Generated Content in Social Media Usage: User Similarity Analysis Based on Sina Weibo




Social media contain rich information. Although they have been described as decentralized and diversified subcultures, it has been demonstrated that users continue to strengthen homophily in the process of using social media. Such homophily is not generated by a community of individuals. Instead, it focuses on user-generated content on a large scale by all users. Instead of considering homophily aimed at specific individuals, this study focuses on the promotion of an "average similarity" driven by content gravity in the entire field. The study sample comprised 7,825 users of Sina Weibo and their generated content. The phenomenon was examined on three types of homophily: similarity in content, similarity between individuals, and similarity in imitating top users. By calculating the cosine similarity of the sentence vector and the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic (UPGMA), we measured the degree of homogeneity. Three variables-involvement, activity, and impact-were obtained to categorize different users. Our results showed a correlation between the above two aspects and demonstrated that the three types of homophily were strengthened significantly by involvement in social media.


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