  • 期刊


Deliberative Analysis of Online News: A Case Study of Vaccine-Related News during the Early Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mainland China




This study analyzed the text of COVID-19 vaccine news that appear on the Internet in mainland China to identify the deliberation feature of online news reports in a holistic way. Using a mixed research approach, we analyzed the large scale of news reports by topic modeling method and interpreted the result from the theoretical perspective. The findings show that, first, in terms of inclusiveness, the news text presents the complex dimensions and context of the COVID-19 vaccine, while a large proportion of homogeneous praising texts also damage the diversity of the texts. Second, from the perspective of interactivity, business portals take the role of information diffusion but disseminate similar texts. Ordinary people and professional media organizations represented by the central media showed a huge contrast in terms of topic concerns and text frames, which we describe as dissemination with weak communication. Third, from a rational point of view, texts are generally full of emotions, with a sharp polarized contrast of the positive emotions toward domestic issues and negative emotions toward international ones. The above findings indicate that while the online news text has some deliberative characteristics, it is still far from the essence of public deliberation.


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