  • 期刊



台灣十六種說不同語言的原住民族中,阿美族人口是最多的一族;原來主要分佈在台灣東部的花東縱穀及海岸山脈以東太平洋沿岸地帶,如今更是都市原住民族中最大宗。依地理位置阿美族由北到南大約可分為五個地域群:南勢阿美、秀姑巒阿美、海岸阿美、卑南阿美、恆春阿美。宜灣部落是屬於海岸阿美。阿美族是一個多神崇拜的民族,天人合一的觀念從阿美族人思維是認為人和大自然所有的事物是同等的地位,也就是人和牛、魚、鳥、木、草、蟲都是同等地位的。因此,他們常將孩子取名為牛( lalapa )、魚( foting )、草( rengos )、石( fokeloh )、米 ( tipos)等,因為他們認為在族人的眼裡,所有的生命。在宜灣地區的豐年祭前後總共七天的盛事,天天都展現幹部們的辦事能力及部落的活力。宜灣部落的豐年祭祭典和部落聚會活動歷程就是實施其「傳道授業」的場所與機會,部落的運作憑依這種教育成果效來貫徹其目標。本研究採用行動研究法的訪談法、參與觀察法與文獻分析法進行資料蒐集,試圖瞭解如何提昇阿美族語言文字化和宗教祭儀的能見度,參與阿美族的豐年祭祭儀,務期實踐當下的信念:生活在多樣化的社區中,每個人都因為彼此相互的影響而受惠,所以人人都必須相互尊重與學習。


There are 16 official-recognized ethnicities of Taiwan, and The Amis ethnicity is the largest community in Taiwan. The Amis inhabit the eastern coastal areas, stretching from Peipu village in Hualien County in the north to Malan village in Taitung County in the south. The Amis language can be classified into five subgroups according to geography and linguistic features: the Nan-Shih and Hsiu-Ku-Lan Amis are located in Hualien County, the Coastal and Puyuma (Malan) Amis are in Taitung County, while the Heng-Chun Amis are in Pin-Tung County. The village of Sa』aniwan belongs to the coastal Amis. Everybody knows that the Amis have many superstitions that involve the Sun, the Moon, water, trees, animals they want to hunt, etc. Take how the Amis name the younger generation as an example, the given names of the newborn babies might be 「Lalapa, Foting, Rengos, Fokeloh or tipos」 just because of the concepts that everything on earth is created equal. In Sa'aniwan, the Harvest Festival takes place for seven days, and the dancing and the songs are all energetic and spirited. When they are dancing and singing, we can sense the spirit of the tradition. Everyone hold hands, dances and sings to symbolize the traditionally transmitted sense of belonging to a single ethic unit. The study was performed through Action Research (AR) as the theoretical framework for the qualitative data collection and analysis, explain its guiding principles and show how the researcher hopes to apply these principles to his own research questions. The researcher』s written form of Amis language would follow these stages to record what the researcher has heard. Participating in the harvest festivals of the Amis people, we would develop the faith: All people must learn about and be influenced by a more capacious variety of values, beliefs, and different styles of life from diverse cultures around the communities, even the globe.


