  • 期刊


A Study of the "Concordance of Dharma (Reality) and Māyā (Illusion)" in Treatise on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna in the Classics Spreading of Chinese Buddhism: A Main Exploration Focusing on the Sūtra of Divination and Observation of Wholesome and Evil Retribution




Treatise on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna is in the system of "Tathāgatagarbha" in the Mahāyāna tradition, using "one mind opens two doors" to describe the gap; on the two sides are the heart and minds representing reality, as well as illusions represented by trouble and disturbance. Meanwhile, the "awareness" and "unawareness" in "ālaya-vijñāna" are the key to have the life and death continuity turn into cessation of intrinsic purity. However, are such thoughts of the defilement and purity, as well as the concordance of Dharma (reality) and Māyā (illusion) influential on Buddhist classics spreading in later generations? The Sūtra of Divination and Observation of Wholesome and Evil Retribution is one of the sutras in the three sutras of Ksitigarbha; it was translated by Master Bodhi Light from India, with contents composed of narrations and principles. Furthermore, in respect of human affairs, it employs a divination for good and evil acts, which is a convenient way to guide sattva (the sentient beings) to understand the retribution of good and evil karma. After all, such good and evil karma of the sattva is generated from the "causes" in karma, just as people said that "bodhisattvas fear causes while sentient beings fear effects." After that, it would be possible to learn that the retribution of good and evil karma leads to understanding "Buddhist dharma" and entering the "truth," which also equals to the practices and realization of "one true realm with two kinds of contemplation practice." To explain in details, one true realm refers to the Tathatā (true nature) and one mind, similar to the "intrinsic purity of Tathāgatagarbha" in Treatise on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna. On the other hand, the two kinds of contemplation practice refer to "contemplation of consciousness of the heart" and "contemplation of Tathatā;" by contemplating the life and death of all characteristics, it is possible to know that everything generates from ignorance and illusions of the heart and mind. As "all Dharma generates from the heart", removing the illusions and obsession is the practice for the mind allows further contemplating the nature of the heart and experiencing "contemplation of Tathata" whilst achieving the intrinsic purity and truly reaching "one true realm." All in all, both the Treatise on Awakening of Faith in the Mahāyāna and the Sūtra of Divination and Observation of Wholesome and Evil Retribution have inherited the ideas in the concordance of Dharma and Māyā; at the same time, there are also similarities and differences in respect of defilement and purity, as well as Dharma and Māyā.
