  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


The Historic Achievements of the Hsing Yun Model


宗教的核心在信仰,扭轉傳統宗教之頹勢,成功實現現代轉型的關鍵在 於重建信仰。是否真信仰?感知在內心。近代中華佛教信仰重建大體有兩條途徑,其一重在依經建立,即重建某一部或多部佛經的唯一信仰權威。這是唯識學者等人所走之路。其二重在內心的宗教體驗,並輔以經論驗證。這是太虛力主的堅持中華佛教本位之路。人間佛教的星雲模式真正打通了第二條信仰重建之路,這是其劃時代的歷史性成就之一。傳統佛教雖適應了中國宗法社會,但並沒從根本上處理好宗教與社會的關係。大多數情形下不是依附於社會上層,就是厭棄社會,與社會隔離。星雲模式的歷史性成就之二,就是證明了這兩端都錯,探索出在現代社會處理好信眾與僧團之間的關係,佛教與知識份子的關係,佛教徒與社會之間的關係有效方式方法。本文主要就此兩點作了深入論證。


At the core of religion is faith. Rebuilding faith is necessary to reverse the decline of traditional religion and to successfully gain modern transformation. However, what is faith? The answer is that faith comes from the heart. This paper discusses the two different ways of rebuilding Chinese Buddhist faith in modern China. The first method focuses on reconstructing Buddhist faith in accordance to what has already been established by the authoritative texts, sutras in particular, which is the way followed by Yogacara scholars. The second method focuses on inner religious experience, followed by a supplement of texts and theories, which is the fundamental way of Chinese Buddhism insisted by Master Taixu. Venerable Master Hsing Yun's model of Humanistic Buddhism is a perfect example of the latter method of reconstructing faith and is an historical achievement in itself. Traditional Buddhism has depended on the Chinese patriarchal society, but it does not deal well with the relationship between religion and society. In most cases, Traditional Buddhism has either depended on those in high-level of society or those withdrawn from the society. This paper discusses the achievements of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Model of Humanistic Buddhism, which proves both extremes as incorrect and explores effective methods for the following relationships: the relationship between devotees and monastics in modern society; the relationship between Buddhism and the intellectuals; and the relationship between the Buddhists and the society.


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