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Rethinking the Characteristics of Contemporary Humanistic Buddhism Based on Master Taixu's Thinking


太虛大師(1890-1947)是20世紀漢語佛教界肇興未已的「人間佛教」思潮運動過程中,思想影響最卓著的佛教思想家,其思想個案至今仍值得人們進行深入探析。本文從印順法師在《太虛大師年譜》中的總體評價入手,指出太虛大師所著力建構的「人間佛教理論」,呈現出鮮明而深刻的反思意識。這種反思意識的構成內容,具體表現為對中國佛教思想傳統的反思、對中國佛教的出路的反思,對中國佛教與中國文化之關係的反思,以及中國佛教與中國社會關係的反思認知,必須結合其對人間佛教社會觀、乃至社會理 論展開相應的思考。本文指出,太虛大師以反思性為特徵的「人間佛教理論」,堅持以佛教為本位、以中國為本位兩大原則立場,以此展開其「人間佛教學」建構的「佛教性」、「中國性」、「社會性」、「文化性」和「普世性」,有其鮮明的中國社會認知與佛教弘化的關係意識。上述太虛大師佛教思考中的佛教性、中國性、社會性、文化性和普世性,既是其人間佛教理論的構成內容,更體現其人間佛教理論具有一種「反思性」的建構類型。


Master Taixu (1890-1947) is one of the most influential Chinese Buddhist thinkers in the 20th Century, especially during the early movements of Humanistic Buddhism. Based on Venerable Yin Shun's overall evaluation in his work, "The Taixu Chronicles", it appears that Master Taixu's thoughts in his process of establishing the theories of Humanistic Buddhism posed clear and profound reflections in the following: traditional Chinese Buddhist thinking; the future of Chinese Buddhism; the relationship between the Chinese culture and Chinese Buddhism; and the relationship between the Chinese society and Chinese Buddhism. Such reflections need to be integrated with his view of Humanistic Buddhist social thoughts as well as thinking that corresponds to socialist theories. This paper, points out the unique reflection Master Taixu's theory on Humanistic Buddhism, insists on maintaining the position of Buddhism and the position of China. From that to establish the "Study of Humanistic Buddhism" with characters of Buddhist religion, Chinese, socialism, culture, and universality. These embody a sense of relationship in Chinese socialism and Buddhist propagation. Not only are these the structure for the theories of Humanistic Buddhism, they are also a kind of reflection on its practicality.
