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A Discussion on the Construction of a Pure Land on Earth through Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Perspective on Pure Land and Chan




Venerable Master Hsing Yun has devoted his whole life to building a Pure Land on earth. The Chan School and Pure Land School are important bases for his construction of Pure Land on earth. The Chan School is a practical method applied by enlightened practitioners in daily lives to realize a Pure Land on earth. On the other hand, the Pure Land School is a reference for planning the blueprint of Pure Land on earth. In other words, Venerable Master Hsing Yun held onto the principles of making Buddhism applicable to daily living and in this modern age. He adapted the ideas of the Pure Land School to suit the new age and the pace of society, with the hope that the Pure Land on earth is solemn, abundant, harmonious and compassionate. In bringing together the practices of Chan School as well as mental and physical adjustment, this shift from individual to the multitude, and from personal accomplishment to social interaction, contributes to building a Pure Land on earth.


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