  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


The Study of Nirvana in Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Philosophy




涅槃 寂靜 解脫 輪迴 佛性 真如 圓滿


This paper is an extensive study of one of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's writings, "The Wonderful and Perfect World of Buddhism - Chapter One: Nirvana" (Fojiao de yuanman shijie diyi pian niepan jijing). First, the true meaning of nirvana is comprehended from Venerable Master's books and speeches. Second, the conceptual influence of "nirvana" in Venerable Master's philosophy and his Humanistic Buddhist practice under the path of Han-Traditional Buddhism is apparent and understood from Venerable Master's quotes on the teachings of the Madhyamaka, Tiantai, Vijnanavada, and Chan School. This paper is structured according to the Venerable Master's article: 1) the meaning of nirvana; 2) the other names of nirvana; 3) the particularity of nirvana; 4) the classification of nirvana; 5) the world of nirvana; and 6) how to achieve nirvana. Explanations of sutras mentioned in the articles, its interpretation, and Venerable Master's perspectives are discussed. In conclusion, Venerable Master's teaching is based on the Buddhist teaching such as Tri-drsti-namitta-mudrā, śikṣā, and the Six Pāramitās. From these teachings, people's natural pure citta are furthered developed, the real liberation from which oneself and others are freed is achieved, and the wonderful and perfect life of nirvana is obtained. Everything Venerable Master Hsing Yun has done is within the human realm and his teaching is never without the four concepts of Humanistic Buddhism: what is taught by the Buddha, what is needed by the people, what is pure, and what is virtuous and beautiful.

