  • 期刊

The Wen xuan Tradition in China and Abroad



The Wen xuan 文選is the earliest extant Chinese anthology arranged by genre. This article first discusses the history of the transmission and reception of the Wen xuan mainly in the Tang and Song, focusing on the emergence of Wen xuan xue 文選學 (Wen xuan scholarship) in the early Tang, the interest some Tang poets took in the Wen xuan, the early printing history of the Wen xuan, the origin of the phrase Wen xuan lan, xiucai ban 文選爛,秀才半 (The Wen xuan thoroughly done, half a licentate won), and the severe criticism made by Su Shi 蘇軾 of Xiao Tong. The second part of the article concerns the history of the reception of the Wen xuan outside of China. The Wen xuan became a widely read work in other East Asian countries, especially in Japan and Korea. The Wen xuan was transmitted to Japan as early as the eighth century. Many important manuscripts of the Wen xuan have been preserved in Japan, the most important of which is the Monzen shūchū 文選集注, which contains Tang period commentaries most of which were lost in China. The Wen xuan was also important in Korea. In the Choson dynasty (1392-1910) a Korean version of the Wen xuan was compiled, the Tongmunsŏn 東文選 compiled under royal command in 1478 by Sŏ Kŏjŏng 徐居正 (1420-1488). The final part of articles deals with Wen xuan studies in Europe and the United States with special mention of Arthur Waley 韋利 (1889-1966), Erwin von Zach 贊克 (1872-1942), and James Robert Hightower 海陶瑋 (1915-2006).


《文選》是中國現存最早的按文章體裁編輯的文章選集。本文首先探討《文選》在唐宋時期的傳播與接受史,關注初唐出現的文選學、唐代詩人對《文選》的興趣、《文選》早期的印刷史、「文選爛,秀才半」這一說法的起源以及蘇軾對《文選》的嚴厲批評。本文第二部分關注《文選》在海外的接受史。在東亞其他國家,尤其是日本和韓國,《文選》是受到廣泛閱讀的作品。早在八世紀,《文選》便傳到日本。日本保存了許多重要的《文選》底本,其中最重要的底本就是《文選集注》,包含在中國本土已經散佚的唐人評注。在韓國,《文選》也很重要。在高麗王朝時期(1392-1910),《文選》的朝鮮文版編輯出版:1478年,朝鮮皇室命徐居正(Sŏ Kŏjŏng, 1420-1488)編輯《東文選》(Tongmunsŏn)。本文最後部分探討歐美《文選》研究,專涉韋利(Arthur Waley, 1889-1966),贊克(Erwin von Zach, 1872-1942) 以及海陶瑋(James Robert Hightower, 1915-2006)三人。


文選 文選學 文選爛 秀才半 《文選集注》 《東文選》 韋利 贊克 海陶瑋
