  • 期刊


A Technical study of the Gold-inlaid Bronze boshanlu (Mountain censer) Excavated from the Tomb of Liu Sheng (165-113 BCE) and Its Manufacturing Processes: With a Side Discussion on the Lost-wax Process in the Western Han (206 BCE-9 CE) and the Pertinent Casting Tradition




The excavation of the tombs of both Liu Sheng 劉勝 (165-113 BCE), king of Zhongshan 中山 (r. 154-113 BCE), and his queen Dou Wan 竇綰 (d. ca. 113-104 BCE) at Mount Lingshan in Mancheng district, Baoding city, Hebei province, was considered a milestone not only in the history of Chinese archaeology but also in the art history of early China. Unfortunately, most of the objects unearthed from the tombs have not been studied in depth, as they rightly deserve. This paper serves as a case study of one of the most representative objects among the finds, namely an exceptional gold-inlaid bronze boshanlu 博山爐 (mountain censer), with a special focus on its manufacturing processes and the casting techniques involved. The paper first examines the mountain censer's structure, decorations, and traces of the techniques visible on the artefact in detail before summarizing the scholarly debates regarding its typology, patterns, and the intended function while correcting some of the conjectures. Due to the recent discovery of spacers inside the body, the object in question could only be cast in piece molds rather than using lost-wax process as previously suggested. We can now be certain that the cover is a product of lost-wax casting, and the body and its set are connected by an iron dowelled joint. Finally, based on years of research on bronze foundries in early China, this paper proposes the new concept of "Central Plain Lost-wax Casting." The implications are twofold. Firstly, the lost-wax process was adopted to make extremely complicated appurtenances or ornaments only when they were not possible by the means of piece-mold casting. Secondly, if the components could be cast in section molds and assembled afterwards through dowelling, riveting, or welding, the piece-mold casting was almost always the preferrable choice. The marvelous boshanlu, produced by the imperial workshop in the Western Han (206 BCE-9 CE), is a perfect example to illustrate these two points.
