  • 期刊


Antioxidant Activity and Polyphenols from Agarwood Leaves by the Carbon Dioxide Supercritical Fluid Extraction


沉香能入藥,是上等極品藥材,價值極高珍貴中藥,本研究發現超臨界二氧化碳萃取沉香樹葉及枝條所得之揮發油含多酚類化合物,且皆具良好的DPPH自由基清除能力,抗氧化活性與總多酚含量都發現樹葉>枝條。沉香樹栽種於不同地區影響揮發油抗氧化活性與總多酚含量。超臨界萃取壓力與溫度也會影響沉香樹葉揮發油抗氧化活性與總多酚含量,最佳萃取條件分別是275 bar與55℃。另外本研究也發現沉香樹葉揮發油,會顯著抑制人類皮膚角質細胞HaCaT的增殖,且具有劑量的關係。綜觀上述結果,沉香樹葉揮發油抗氧化活性佳,但如直接塗抹於皮膚可能需小心謹慎,進一步將分析其化學成分,以利於台灣本土產沉香樹葉揮發油開發成為具高效能抗氧化護膚產品。


The objective of this study were investigated the essential oils were extracted from Agarwood tree leaves by the carbon dioxide supercritical fluid extraction (SFE-CO2) method. In the test of antioxidant properties indicated that the extracted polyphenols presented the strong DPPH radical scavenging from Agarwood leaves and twigs. Antioxidant activities and total polyphenols in different parts of Agarwood as affected by different locations in Taiwan. Based on single factor test by SFE-CO2 method, including extraction pressure and extraction temperature. These results showed that the optimum antioxidant activities and total polyphenols extraction conditions were at 275 bar and 60°C. The test of cell viability, the Agarwood leaves essential oil could inhibit the proliferation of human skin keratinocyte (HaCaT) cell line dependent concentration. Therefore, Agarwood leaves essential oil used on the human skin maybe more cautious.


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