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General Review on the Penaeus sensu lato (Decapoda: Penaeidae) of Taiwan, with Some Notes on the Geographical Distribution and the Changes of Scientific Names



本文記述在臺灣沿、近海以及漁港與養蝦池所採捕或蒐集的13種對蝦類,其學名的變革,以及有關動物地理學方面的探討。文中所稱之對蝦類係指學界前所普遍使用的對蝦屬(Penaeus sensu lato)各蝦種。本屬原有29種,分布於全世界的熱帶或亞熱帶淺海中,爲具有高經濟價值的大型甲殼十足類動物。臺灣地區的對蝦類前後歷經Maki and Tsuchiya(1923)、Chang(1965)、Lee and Yu(1977)、Yu and Chan(1988)等的調查,種數由4種增加至本文所述的13種。俗稱的大正蝦、香蕉蝦、藍蝦及白蝦等4種係養殖界自外地所引進者。1997年,Pérez-Farfante及Kensley將原對蝦屬的6個亞屬提升至屬的階元,而使各蝦種的學名有了很大的改變。依照此分類法,臺灣地區的對蝦類包括了5屬13種:明對蝦屬(Fenneropenaeus)4種、濱對蝦屬(Litopenaeus)2種、囊對蝦屬(Marsupenaeus)1種、溝對蝦屬(Melicertus)4種,以及對蝦屬(Penaeus)2種。


對蝦類 臺灣 分類 分布


In Taiwan, as in most other countries of the Indo - West Pacific Region, the most common and commercially important prawns found in the market are those belonging to the genus Penaeus sensu lato of the family Penaeidae. These are all marine species taken from the estuaries and shallow waters in the sea or grown in ponds from the early larval stage to marketable size. The taxonomic status and identification of the genus from Taiwanese waters has been studied by Maki and Tsuchiya (1923), Chang (1965), Lee and Yu (1977), and Yu and Chan (1986). In present study, the species are added to 13, with 4 introduced species included. A comprehensive key and diagnoses to each species are presented. The geographical and vertical distribution are also discussed. The authors followed the taxonomic ranks proposed by Pérez-Farfante and Kensley (1997), thus there are five genera (Fenneropenaeus, Litopenaeus, Marsupenaeus, Melicertus, Penaeus) and 13 species occurred in Taiwanese waters.
