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Columnar Basalt on the Penghu Islands





地形 景觀 玄武岩 柱狀節理


Basaltic rocks with well-developed columnar joints are widely exposed on the Penghu Islands, which are situated in the Taiwan Strait between Taiwan proper and the China mainland. Recently geologists have proposed an age of 12-13 Ma for the eruption of the basaltic lava on the Penghu Islands. Tectonically, the eruption was related to the opening of the South China Sea during the middle and late Miocene. These basaltic rocks not only represent a tectonic event of great importance but also create a high-quality landscape which deserves strict protection. It is known that, when basaltic lava erupted onto the surface, cooling and solidification followed together with the development of shrinkage cracks. Because of the relatively homogeneous nature of the basaltic lava, shrinkage takes place around many equally spaced centers and results in a polygonal pattern of cracks, ideally hexagonal. The prodnction of the columnar joints of basaltic lava is analogous with the formation of the pattern of mud cracks on the floor of a drying-up pond. Columnar joints may curve in response to variation of the temperature gradient. The changing orientation and curvature of some of the cloumns reflect the uneven cooling rates of the lava flow. Vertical, inclined, curved, radial and bottle-necked columns are all displayed.


Geomorphology landscape basalt columnar joint
