  • 期刊


Apply Social Network to Estimate the Preference of Tourism Planning-A Case study of Tainan


旅遊行程的規劃,通常會以所屬群體中的意見領袖建議做為參考依據,如果可以得知團體中意見領袖類型的旅遊路線,就能在規劃遊程中減少所花費的時間與精力;並且有助於當地政府發展文化旅遊的建議與規劃,針對不同類型的遊客設計出具吸引力的活動。本研究以意見領袖涉入程度與不同意見領袖類型做為分類的基礎,並利用社會網絡分析法(Social Network Analysis),找出意見領袖的旅遊路線規劃的共通景點,以及獨特的規劃方式。本研究是以台南市遊客為研究對象,提供遊客各種不同類型的遊程規劃。研究結果顯示,不同類型的意見領袖的遊程規劃內容有明顯的差異性。經由集群分析本研究共找出三種意見領袖,分別為專家型、地域型和資訊掌握型。遊程規劃的共通性,會因為交通以及地區美食的關係,會先從台南市外圍的旅遊景點開始,再進入台南市地區觀光和美食探訪。綜合不同類型的意見領袖到台南市必去的熱門景點主要是安平區的億載金城和安平古堡,其次在遊程規劃的偏好則是以中西區和七股區的景點為主。


Domestic tours of people usually select their own planning, but from the large tourism information to found the demand and satisfactory tourism planning, usually recommended as a reference basis to opinion leaders in their respective groups. In general, the opinion leaders have rich information and message communicators of unique personal charm, thus will become the indicator within the group. In this study through their information collected involvement and the extent of opinion leaders as classification basis and according to attractions provided by the different types of opinion leaders through Social Network Analysis (SNA), to identify the common sights of the tourism planning for the same type. Tainan City is the analysis of different types for this study. The results shows that different types of opinion leaders in the tourism planning have significant differences. Cluster analysis have divided opinion leader into profession type, district type, and information type. The most popular attractions in opinion leaders of different types must to be in Tainan Anping Dist.-Oldest Golden and Fort Zeelandia. And the popular tourism planning is around the West Central Dist. and Qigu Dist.


交通部觀光局網站,取自 https://www.welcome2taiwan.net/
交通部觀光局,2016,中華民國104 年國人旅遊狀況調查報告。
