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A Digital Humanities Study of Taiwan Indigenous Myths and Legends: The Analysis of An Investigation of the Aborigines in Taiwan




神話 傳說 原住民 數位人文 DocuSky


Myth and legend reflect the ancient people's imagination and understanding of natural phenomena, the origin of mankind with subjective cognition. Although many myths and legends seem absurd, as time goes on, the plot of myths and legends becomes more exaggerated. Anyway, the content of myth and legend may be the shadow of history. If we remove the overly bizarre ingredients of myths and legends, we may be able to restore the living environment of ancient humans and the natural threats they face. The myths and legends of Indigenous with abundant metaphors of taboos, ghosts, spirits are the memory and imagination of the ancient people, carries the wisdom of tradition. Therefore, analyzing the myths and legends of Indigenous is meaningful. In the past, the study of myths and legends has been quite fruitful, but mostly focus on a single ethnic group or analyses a certain type of content, all the myths of Taiwan indigenous are difficult to handle. In order to deal with a large number of data, this paper will apply digital humanities as the research orientation. With the development of digital tools and technologies, we use the DocuSky Collaboration Platform to analyze the myths and legends collected from An Investigation of the Aborigines in Taiwan, including Amis, Ataiyal, Saisiyat, Bunun, Truku, Rukai, Paiwan, Puyuma, Tsou, Sdeiq and other ethnic groups as the database, to explore the social mobility, environmental threats and ethnic bias reflected in the texts.


myth legend indigenous digital humanities DocuSky


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