  • 期刊


Trademark Characteristic of a Television Program, Copyright Infringement, and Damages Calculation




"Product placement" has become a source of a television station's revenue. The placed product may be sponsored by a vendor or developed by the program production company. Unfortunately, some unethical businesses will sell counterfeits, while using some related scene of the program for purposes of marketing those counterfeits. Such unauthorized use of a copyrighted TV program constitutes copyright infringement of the program. Three cases of the Taiwan Intellectual Property Court have fallen within that scenario. The same drama show "Back to the Days Prior to Our Falling in Love" was involved, while the placed products were developed by the production team of the show. The IP Court relied on Article 88, Paragraph 3 of the Copyright Act to calculate damages by weighing its preferable factors. One of those discussed factors was the infringer's sales of counterfeits. These three court decisions indicate that such type of copyright infringement includes some nature of trademark infringement, because the consumers were misled to consider the infringer's products as authorized products. Therefore, this paper will propose that a television program may have trademark characteristic that results from the connection between the placed product and the program. Using a scene of the television program to promote the infringer's product should be considered as part of the copyright infringement. The damages calculation then can be based on the equivalent provisions vested in the Trademark Act.


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