  • 期刊


The Research of Asymmetric Warfare of the P.R.C. the Study Case of Space Army




中共 軍事 制天權 不對稱作戰


1. The asymmetric warfare of the People of Republic o f China (the PRC) takes advantage of the reality of power and technology behind the opponent and avoids the strong points in order to lead to dead heat or threaten the opponent. 2. On 17 January, 2010 the PRC intercepted mid-range missiles successfully triggering the international shock and concern. The military experts began to conduct the research of the ballistic missile defense and interception in politics, military and technical implication. The test indicated that the PRC was conducting the mode of asymmetric warfare. 3. The research focused on the space supremacy in the asymmetric warfare and analyzed the asymmetric warfare strategy of "area denial" to "space control." Then, we discussed the logistics conduct of space technology to the asymmetric warfare. Finally the response strategy of the R.O.C. will be proposed.
