  • 期刊


Triggering innovation and initiative


一、為了打發期末考後到畢業任官前的閒暇時光,本文作者,一位未來的海軍軍官,翻閱了安德盧.戈登(Andrew Gordon)所著:《從英國海軍日德蘭戰役的指揮佈局看遊戲的規則》(The Rule of the Game: Jutland and British Naval Command)一書,書中將日德蘭海戰中英軍兩位指揮官迥然不同的領導風格,區隔成「唯命是從型(Authoritarians)」與「惟我獨尊型(Autocrats)」。二、當作者正式派任艦艇工作,開始成為一位海軍初階軍官時,發現對海軍而言所謂成功的領導,其重點在於能在各種環境壓力下將任務圓滿達成,至於過程所運用的戰術戰法則不在討論之列;作者認為以這樣的定義來看,可以將海軍的領導者區分出兩種成功的類型:第一種是「打樁機型」,這類型的領導者,有著不畏苦難、貫徹到底的決心,在碰到障礙時,他們不會選擇繞道,而是像打樁機一樣,直接穿越過去;另一種類型是「環保人士型」,這一類型的領導者會營造出一個士氣高昂的環境,並且讓部屬學習成就一番事業,如果你聽到一位領導者被稱為「教練(Coach)」,多半就是屬於這類型的領導者。三、一位初階軍官必須要身體力行領導關係中的種種面向,如此才能累積經驗,這些年輕軍官帶著在學校所學的知識進入艦隊服務,但事實上並不真正瞭解自己所將面臨的是甚麼樣的工作環境,因此這些年輕軍官在不同職務上的歷練及所接受的領導模式將會直接影響他們的未來發展。所以如果要論斷一位海軍軍官的成敗,與其從他在職務上的能力表現來評判,倒不如去看看他所訓練培育出的新一代領導幹部身上到底傳承了甚麼樣的領導者特質吧!


1. While killing time between finals and graduation, the author, a future naval officer, read Andrew Gordon's The Rule of the Game: Jutland and British Naval Command . It divided the British leaders into " authoritarians" and "autocrats". 2. When the author got his commission and began serving at sea, he has learn that the Navy judges a success based on results. Efforts and methods are secondary. Thus, the author categorized two types of successful leaders with Navy's definition. The first group was called "pile drivers". A pile driver has no fear and the determination to get things done. When these leaders encounter an obstacle they rather pile it then go around or over it. The other type of leader was called "environmentalists" who creates an environment in which their subordinates will thrive, and then allows their subordinates to go do great things. A leader called "coach" is probably an environmentalist. 3. Junior officers have to experience leadership. They enter the Fleet with what they have been taught but in reality knowing little about what they will do. What they develop into depends on how they are trained and led. The choice officers face as they develop as leaders is not how successful they will be, but rather the legacy they will leave among the leaders they train.

