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Resently, Mainland China seems to development fast in military modernization and ecomonic field that will result in the US adopt the cooperation and hedge simultaneously about the policy for America toward China. Thus, the America is in the crossroad toward China, this demonstrate that the America always sway his position between responsibe China and Chinese threat in his thinking. In fact, the American strategic crossroad with its dilemma may happen in Taiwan possibly. Merely, that will use other similar concept or ideology to define the same article, one of the typical case such as China- opportunity-theme or China-threat-theme etc,. Basically, the relation among US, China and Taiwan have been a hotspot in Asian politic regionally. About the research of the relation among US, China and Taiwan, this paper intend to from the approach of policy or strategy. In the structure of this paper, it firstly study the view of policy in the US, China and Taiwan. Next, it research the bilateral relation and behavor among US, China and Taiwan. Sequently, it study the triple relation among US, China and Taiwan, then the conclusion finally.
