  • 期刊


On "China" and the United States' Great Power Competition in the Middle East - A Viewpoint on the Balance of Power




1.Xi Jinping's visit to the Middle East is a reaping action carried out by the CCP to promote the "Belt and Road" initiative for nearly ten years, and to accumulate achievements in economics, trade and infrastructure construction in the Arab world. 2.The United States has two goals in the Middle East: first, to consolidate the US-Saudi alliance to ensure the stability of the dollar-petroleum system; second, to strengthen diplomatic relations with Arab countries, and at the same time provide arms purchased by allies in the Middle East to maintain US arms The prosperity of industry. The US-Saudi military alliance is an important pillar for the US to control the Middle East and maintain its global hegemony. 3.The CCP takes three steps in its exchanges with Middle Eastern countries: first, develop bilateral economic and trade cooperation; second, the CCP builds bilateral technological and financial cooperation under the pretext of jointly building infrastructure; finally, the two sides enter the stage of policy reciprocity or security cooperation. In the third stage of development, the CCP has established diplomatic relations with cooperating countries that are deeply rooted in various fields. 4.There will be a power competition between "China" and the United States in the Middle East: In the field of economy and trade, the CCP occupies a dominant position; in the field of military security, the United States still maintains a stable leading position. What is different from the past is that the international influence of the United States in this region has gradually declined, especially its influence on energy production and oil pricing has dropped significantly.
