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  • OpenAccess


Understanding Tourist Travel and Transportation Behavior Based on Cellular Vehicle Probe Data


觀光產業為近年來我國重點發展方向之一,近10年來台旅客入境人數已自384萬人次成長至千萬人次,自民國104年起更是連續3年突破千萬人次,藉由歷年來台旅客人次的成長,也間接反應出我國在國際上的品牌形象提升,而國人旅客的部分,根據交通部觀光局105年國人旅遊調查報告顯示,民國105年有高達1億9千萬的旅次,故瞭解旅客人潮、旅遊動向,進而提升國內觀光服務品質與國際旅遊觀光競爭力,是當前的重要課題之一,並且在旅遊人次的快速攀升下,同時伴隨而來的交通運輸規劃議題亦不容忽視。而資訊技術快速的演變與發展,行動裝置及行動上網越趨普及,伴隨而來的資料爆炸性成長,使得原先用以發掘信號覆蓋不良區域進行通信品質(quality of service)改善的信令資料,成為掌握人潮流動行為及人潮輪廓分析數據來源之一,而以手機基地台為基礎之交通資訊蒐集技術即時取得大量位置資訊源的特性,可以大幅降低傳統市調所需人力、成本,且可以即時掌握大範圍、大樣本之人潮人流資訊及行為特性,便將Cellular-Based Vehicle Probe(CVP)分析技術應用於觀光及交通等領域。本篇研究以中華電信基地台信令資料為主,截至107年5月共計1,052萬用戶數(中華電信,2018)。具體而言,本研究得知電信大數據於觀光、交通方面應用可得以下良好結果:高效且高精度統計大範圍遊憩據點人數、策略規劃與旅客需求驗證、掌握旅客遊憩習性偏好及趨勢變化、掌握旅客乘載運具及中長程軌跡路線、掌握人潮起迄熱點及公共運輸路線優化。總結期盼本研究能提供相關單位研擬國際觀光宣傳及行銷策略,提升國內觀光服務品質與國際旅遊觀光競爭力之參考。


Tourism is one of the most important industries of Taiwan recently. The number of visitor arrivals has dramatically increased from 3.8 million to 10 million over the last decade. Official statistics estimated that 190 million domestic trips were made by citizens in 2016. It indicates that not only the number but also the significant achievement of Taiwan tourism. Hence, it is a crucial issue that we have to do best efforts to keep elevating the qualities of service and making tourism market more competitive through analyzing travel and transportation behavior of tourists. In addition, the transportation plans should be well-arranged for accommodating the growing number of tourists. Thanks to the achievement of the information and communication technology as well as the burst of mobile devices growth, phone data emerge as a novel data source for researching in human mobility patterns. It is really effective and economical to use the signaling data, such as Cellular Vehicle Probe (CVP) data to analyze and generate some valuable results which precisely master the tourists' behaviors and movement track. In this study, the CVP data was collected at cell sites constructed by Chunghwa Telecom Company. As of May 2018, number of 3G and 4G subscribers had reached 10.5 million. The study indicates that exertion of CVP data is applicable to both tourism and traffic development. Therefore, five features of the study are summarized as follow. First, we could conduct a large-scale calculation of the number of visitors at tourist sites efficiently and precisely. Second, we could verify whether the strategy meets the passengers' needs. Third, we could master the tourist behaviors and preferences. Fourth, we could also explore what vehicle was taken by the passengers and the visitor's trajectories. Lastly, we could acquire high-quality origin-destination (OD) information for traffic in a geographic area and optimize the public transportation routes. The study is expected to be a valuable strategy reference for policy makers to improve service quality of tourism and also to improve the national tourism competitiveness of Taiwan as well.


