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Food Selection and Reproductive Success of Paragymnopleurus sinuatus on Three Kinds of Dung


推糞金龜主要是以哺乳類動物的糞便為食物之甲蟲,會將糞便做成糞球推至合適的地點食用或作為育幼用,為生態系中重要的糞便分解者。本研究之目的為利用野外誘集與室內實驗之方法探討黑推糞金龜(Paragymnopleurus sinuatus Oliver)食糞偏好,並且比較不同糞便對於黑推糞金龜繁殖成功率的影響。結果發現黑推糞金龜顯著偏好利用人糞與狗糞,較不偏好牛糞,但是黑推糞金龜皆能利用三種糞便來繁殖子代。三種糞便中,利用牛糞所製造的育兒糞球比較大,能生殖體型較大的子代,但是在育兒糞球大小相同的前提下,三種糞便中,利用人糞所繁殖的子代體型有較大的趨勢。所以,本研究之結論為黑推糞金龜雖有偏好利用雜食性哺乳動物糞便之現象,但是,不論是雜食性或草食性哺乳動物之糞便皆可提供其成功繁殖子代之需求。


Dung beetles, using mammalian excrement as food, are important decomposers in ecosystems. The objectives of this study were to investigate the dung preferences of Paragymonpleurus sinuatus Oliver in both the field and laboratory, and to compare its reproductive success when using different kinds of dung. The results indicate that P. sinuatus prefers feeding on dung of humans and dogs, however it could reproduce successfully using all three kinds of dung (humans, dogs, and cattle). Moreover, given the same size of brood balls, offspring reared on human dung tended to be larger than those reared on the other two kinds of dung. In conclusion, P. sinuatus prefers feeding on dung of omnivorous mammals (humans and dogs) over herbivorous mammals (cattle). Additionally, both omnivore and herbivore dung can be used by P. sinuatus to reproduce successfully.
