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Biological Studies on Microplitis plutellae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a Larval Parasitoid of Diamondback Moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae)

小菜蛾(Plutella xylostella)幼蟲之小菜蛾側溝繭蜂生物學研究


Laboratory studies were conducted to elucidate biological features of Microplitis plutellae (Muesebeck), a larval parasitoid of diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.). M. plutellae was introduced from the United States to Taiwan in 1955 to assist the local braconid, including Cotesia plutellae to control Plutella xylostella. Normally M. plutellae is a solitary parasitoid laying one egg per host larva; however, at times, more than one egg were found in the same host. Although early instar larvae were present in the host larval hemocoel, only one parasitoid survived to come out of host larva for pupation, killing the larva in the process. M. plutellae had three larval instars, each with unique morphological characteristics. The larval period was 7-10 days at 25 - 30℃. Mature larva exited the host body and spun a spindle-shaped brown cocoon from which an adult emerged after 5-6 days of the pupation period. Majority of the adults emerged during 0300 - 0900 hours. Oviposition largely took place during the daylight hours. Adult longevity increased up to 16 days when provided with food, honey solution; however, it lasted less than 2 days in the absence of food. The total developmental time from egg to adult was 16-18 days at 25-30℃.


本實驗探討寄生小菜蛾(Plutella xylostella)幼蟲之小菜蛾側溝繭蜂(Microplitis plutellae)之寄生現象。小菜蛾側溝繭蜂於1995年從美國引進台灣,期望藉以補強台灣現有的寄生蜂-小菜蛾小繭蜂(Cotesia Plutellae),以增進生物防治小菜蛾之效果。小菜蛾側溝繭蜂是單一擬寄生者,於每一寄主上產下一粒卵,但也曾發現產下數粒卵者;當多隻早齡幼蟲同時出現於寄主幼蟲的血腔中時,只有一隻擬寄生者能成功地脫離寄主發育成蛹,過程中會殺死其他寄生幼蟲。小菜蛾側溝繭蜂幼蟲分三齡,每一齡期有其形態特徵,在25-30℃下,幼蟲期7-10日。成熟的幼蟲離開寄主並結棕色的繭,經過5-6日蛹期後,羽化成蟲。大多數的成蟲在早上三時至九時羽化,其產卵時間主要在白天。給予食物蜜水使成蟲壽命可達十六日,若缺乏食物,則只能維持少於二日。在25-30℃下,從卵至成蟲的發育期需16-18日。
