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  • OpenAccess

花姬捲葉蛾(Eucosma notanthes Meyrick)性費洛蒙誘捕系統之改進

Improvements in the System for Trapping the Carambola Fruit Borer, Eucosma notanthes Meyrick by Sex Pheromones


傳統式手工製三層式寶特瓶誘蟲器對花姬捲葉蛾具優異之誘捕效果,但製作麻煩,無法大量供應市場之需要,亟待改良以利工廠大量生產。本試驗以三層式寶特瓶誘蟲器為對照,分別探討誘蟲器直徑大小、誘蟲器層數、誘蟲入口型式等對花姬捲葉蛾誘捕效果之影響,再進行模式化之模擬。不同直徑、不同型式寶特瓶誘蟲器對花姬捲葉蛾之誘捕效果比較,結果顯示以三層式寶特瓶誘蟲器對花姬捲葉蛾之誘捕效果最佳;其誘蟲入口型式以直徑0.7 cm圓孔者與傳統式“X”者對花姬捲葉蛾之誘捕效果無差異。以壓克力材質製成五個不同型式半透明之誘蟲器(A、B、C、D、E),測試其誘捕效果,結果以E型之誘捕效果較佳。為使誘蟲器容易貯存、運送與組裝並降低成本,參照E型誘蟲器結構,用PP材質耐熱袋及1500 ml礦泉水瓶一個製成花姬捲葉蛾組合式袋型誘蟲器,結果顯示與傳統者之誘捕率並無差異,而其製作成本由傳統者每個100元,降低為20元。本誘蟲器具誘蟲效果佳、成本低、製作簡易、運送及儲存空間小等之特性,可解決傳統式誘蟲器之缺失。


Previous experiments showed that the three-layer-PET bottle trap displayed a high trapping efficiency for the carambola fruit borer (CFB), Eucosma notanthes. In order to lower costs for the mass production of CFB traps, it is necessary to model and produce the handmade three-layer-PET bottle trap in a factory. Based on serial studies of comparisons of the diameter, number of layers, and entrance type, the improved E type trap achieved the best trapping efficiency. According to the model of the improved E type trap, a newly designed trap composed of a PP bag and a 1500-ml PET bottle was made to lower trap costs and volume for storage and transportation. Field trapping experiments showed that the composed bag trap caught more males than did the three-layer-PET bottle trap. The cost of three-layer- PET bottle trap, at NT$100/trap, was decreased to NT$20/trap for the composed bag trap. The cost of mass trapping with sex pheromones to control CFB was lowered from NT$4800 to NT$1600/ha/6 months. The composed bag trap possessed many characters, such a good trapping efficiency, low cost, simple composition, and small volume needed for storage and transportation.
