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Water Quality Monitoring using Aquatic Insects in Streams in the Wuling Area of Shei-Pa National Park


本研究於雪霸國家公園武陵地區5條溪流設置水棲昆蟲長期監測站有8站,並自2003年1月至12月的監測期間,各站於每月以舒伯氏水網採集6次樣本並攜回實驗室鑑定,統計分析水棲昆蟲種類、數量及群聚組成。調查結果顯示,此流域共有水棲昆蟲6目27科35屬44種(Taxa),共採獲102,855個體數。調查期間44種水棲昆蟲分別為蜉蝣目有11種、毛翅目有11種、襀翅目有5種、鞘翅目有3種、雙翅目有13種、蜻蛉目有1種。水棲昆蟲群聚組成以蜉蝣目約佔63.21%為最多,其次為雙翅目佔24.27%。以科級生物指標(Family-level Biotic Index,FBI)評估武陵地區水質約在3.134~5.580之間,分別為excellent(特優)與fair(尚可)之間,而EPT(蜉蝣目、襀翅目及毛翅目)豐度指標介於19到27之間。


This study was conducted to survey aquatic insects by Surber sampler and water quality monitoring at 8 sampling sites in the Wuilng area of Shei-Pa National Park in 2003. The inventory of aquatic insects revealed 44 taxa, 35 genera, 27 families, and 6 orders, including 11 species of Ephemeroptera, 11 species of Trichoptera, 5 species of Plecoptera, 3 species of Coleoptera, 13 species of Diptera, and 1 species of Odonata. The total collected number of aquatic insects was 102,855 individuals. Ephemeroptera as the dominant order accounted for 63.21% of individuals at all sampled sites, and the next most abundant Diptera accounted for 24.27% of individuals. The Family-level Biotic Index (FBI) was applied to test the water quality of the Wuling area. Values of the FBI for all sites were between 3.134 and 5.580 in 2003, and therefore evaluations of water quality were between excellent and fair. Values of the EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera) taxa richness ranged from 19 to 27 at all sites in 2003.
