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Effects of Household Soap Solutions on the Mortality of the Two-spotted Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae)

皂液對二點葉蟎(Tetranychus urticae Koch)(蟎蜱亞綱:葉蟎科)致死效果評估


We assessed the control effect of soap solutions on the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae (TSM). Five kinds of soap solutions (4 g/l) made from different household soaps were evaluated by contact and residual bioassays on the adults and eggs of TSM in the laboratory. The mortality rates of female adults immersed in 5 soap solutions for 1 to 8 s showed no significant differences among them. Mortality rates of treatment with soap (4 g/l) in distilled water or that with abamectin (0.01 g (AI)/l) also exhibited no significant differences. Mortality rates of female adults ranged from 93.1 to 98.6% among the five soap solutions and that of the abamectin solution was 100%. Soap solutions did not significantly affect the mortality rates of TSM egg, and a dual dipping did not kill the remaining nymphs. The mortality rates of nymphs ranged from 89.2 to 98.8% among soap solutions dips. A soap residual bioassay showed that soap dry film did not significantly affect the mortality rates of female adults. Divalent metal ion concentrations in the soap solution may affect the activity on TSM. The mortality rates of female adults treated with soap solution dissolved in standard hard water was significantly lower than that dissolved in distilled water.




二點葉蟎 家用肥皂 皂液 生物檢定 標準硬水
