  • 期刊


Textbook Analysis of Multicultural Content: Using a Chinese Version of Physical and Health Education Textbook for Malaysian First-Grade Students as Example




This study examined the multicultural content of a physical and health education textbook for Malaysian first-grade students from the perspectives of gender equality, ethnic diversity, and inclusive education. Qualitative content analysis was adopted to analyze the multicultural content of the book, aiming to provide suggestions for improvement. First, the research found that the textbook deliberately maintained a quantitative balance in the arrangement of gender images. In terms of content presentation, images related to sport events exhibited no gender bias, whereas images related to health knowledge exhibited a certain degree of gender stereotypes. Second, the textbook basically presented the social reality of Malaysia's diverse ethnic groups and highlighted the proportion of images depicting non-mainstream ethnic groups among all ethnic groups. However, discussions on the contents of ethnic groups were insufficient. Third, although few images and little content depicted disabled students, the inclusion of images of such students was a good example of the implementation of inclusive education. Based on these findings, this study had the following suggestions: (a) the presentation of diverse ethnic groups in the textbook's content should be based on the multicultural view of harmonious development among ethnic groups, and overemphasizing the mainstream group's ideology should be avoided; (b) the implementation of inclusive education should be based on the idea that disabled students should be treated the same as non-disabled students; (c) gender content should be written from the perspective of gender equality, thus eliminating gender stereotypes in terms of image proportion and content presentation.


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